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Reading Under the Willow Tree

Environmental Science student, book reader, big dreamer, Sailing/Kayak/Surf instructor, Film buff, Adventurer, Girl.

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Alexandra Ivy, Nina Bangs, Dianne Duvall, Hannah Jayne
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Savage Angel - Stacy Gail

For this review and more my blog

I utterly fell in love with Nobody’s Angel, the first book in the Earth Angels series so couldn’t wait to get my hands on the sequel. With great anticipation I settled down for the night with Savage Angel, I expected to love it but in the end I was more disappointed than I have been in a long, long time.

I just do not understand what went wrong! The first book was amazing but I really, really didn’t like this one at all. I am so devastated I could cry and struggle to understand how there is such a big difference between the first book and the second.

When I stop being melodramatic and I think about it I do know where this went wrong. It was the characters. If you read a series which features the same characters you know and love each time it is hard to go wrong, Earth Angels took the risk of being about two characters that were not mentioned in the first book, normally I like this because you can read them out of order but this time it really backfired.

The problem is that the two main characters in Savage Angel are horrible. I could find nothing to like about either Sara or Gideon. They both seemed to think they were amazing and were both rude and miserable to everyone around them. For me to like a book I have got to relate or at least respect the characters they have got to interest me in some way and unfortunately Sara and Gideon didn’t.

Savage Angel is an ok book full of unlikable characters which really put me off. I hope the third book in the series is more like the first and less like the disappointing second.

The publisher provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review