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Reading Under the Willow Tree

Environmental Science student, book reader, big dreamer, Sailing/Kayak/Surf instructor, Film buff, Adventurer, Girl.

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Standing in the Shadows - Ken Casper Review posted on my blog: http://chattygirlbookreviews.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/standing-in-the-shadows-by-ken-casper/

*The publisher provided me with this book for review, via Netgalley.*

Standing in the shadows was not what I expected. I thought it would have more romance and less mystery but in fact the opposite was true.

This book is actually a strong murder mystery and the added romance is a great addition. For the most part I liked it. I liked the main characters and I liked their developing relationship. I liked the twisty plot. The book was well written and was really detailed.

My main complaint is that I thought there was maybe a little too much happening. I would have liked there to be a little less action and a bit more development. Also, the ending came out of nowhere. Normally in murder mysteries there are clues or false trails and at the end when you find out who the murderer is you wonder how you missed it and everything clicks into place. That was not the case here; the killer was so unexpected that it was almost a disappointment. I didn’t get the thrill of the chase which was a real shame.

This book isn’t going to win any awards and it is not going to change your life, but it is an interesting read if you like the genre.