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blog*I was given a copy of this book in exchange for a review*
One of the things I love about being a book blogger is that sometimes a book that you wouldn’t normally read lands in your lap and takes you by surprise. I am not normally a fan of historical romance, I will read Highland romance and Historical PNR but straight historical…well that is not normally my thing. In short, Heiress without a cause is not a book I would ever choose to read. I am really glad that I was given the opportunity to read this because in the end I utterly adored it.
At first I wasn’t sure, the book got off to a really slow start and the first 50 pages struggled to hold my interest. I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to make it through the book, but then, out of nowhere the story burst into life and I was hooked.
I loved the characters. Ferguson is not the buff, moody, warrior type you are used to seeing in romance books. Instead he has charm and a personality that outshines his looks. Madeleine is also great. She is gutsy and interesting not just some brainless beauty. She has a sharp mind and she is not afraid to use it.
The romance between them is what really got to me. I just loved it, it really got under my skin and I revelled in it. I loved these characters together, there was lust and love but there was also respect between them which is something I like to see in my romances.
The sex scenes were hot, they were great. The characters and the writing combined were just perfect for the intimate parts of this book. Ramsey certainly knows how to get her readers hot under the collar.
Heiress Without a Cause isn’t perfect. I thought the characters changed their minds a little too often and as I have already mentioned it got off to a slow start, but all in all I thought this book was great and I really enjoyed it. I will definitely be reading the rest of the series and maybe I might try out a few more historical romances.