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Reading Under the Willow Tree

Environmental Science student, book reader, big dreamer, Sailing/Kayak/Surf instructor, Film buff, Adventurer, Girl.

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The Magic Between Us
Tammy Falkner
Midnight's Surrender: A Dark Warriors Holiday Novella
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Tom Leveen
My Favorite Mistake
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Alexandra Ivy, Nina Bangs, Dianne Duvall, Hannah Jayne
The Reluctant Wag
Mary Costello
Playing the Part - Darcy Daniel Sometimes a book comes along and utterly surprises you that is what Playing the Part did to me, I wasn’t expecting much but found myself loving this. There was so much I loved about it but in the beginning I thought I was gong it hate it.

The problem was that Anthea took a while to like she was awful and did so many things that made me rage. She breaks into a blind man’s home, helps herself to breakfast leaves his kitchen in disarray and then calls him clumsy when he trips over the stuff she has left out of place. That is just one of many examples of her selfishness but over time she begins to change and in the end I loved her. She grew into a kind and considerate person who took charge of her own life and wasn’t afraid to help others.

Cole was amazing I just adored him, he was so strong and tough yet very vulnerable. It was not his blindness that made him vulnerable but his past and the way he thought about himself did. He had closed himself off from everything and the fact that he had never even been kissed made me love him even more. I wanted to scream when he hurt Anthea because he didn’t mean to at all but her anger was so understandable. I loved his bravery when he decided to sort out his issues he was just perfect.

Darcy Daniels writing is what really made me fall in love with this. It is her words that made me find this book touching, it was the little things like Cole’s fear that he looked like his violent father that brought tears to my eyes, she just made it all seem so incredibly human and real which a lot of romances fail to do.

Playing the Part really took me by surprise it is well written, has great characters, am amazing romance and a lot of heart. I am so glad I read this and couldn’t recommend it highly enough.