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Reading Under the Willow Tree

Environmental Science student, book reader, big dreamer, Sailing/Kayak/Surf instructor, Film buff, Adventurer, Girl.

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Midnight's Surrender: A Dark Warriors Holiday Novella
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Alexandra Ivy, Nina Bangs, Dianne Duvall, Hannah Jayne
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Mating Season: A Cabin Fever Novella

Mating Season: A Cabin Fever Novella - Alice Gaines For this review and more visit my blog

In parts I really quite enjoyed this little novella. It was short, sweet and had a little bit of everything. It was romantic and funny with a little bit of drama thrown in.

I quite liked the characters, they made mistakes but they owned up to them. They are a bit nerdy which for this reader is awesome because I am a little nerdy to. I loved reading about their arguments which was fuelled with unresolved sexual tension.

When they do get together they do so with a bang…a bang that never seemed to end. This is where my issues with this book really started. It is just full of sex; once they start they just don’t stop. They have more energy than an energizer bunny. I love a little sauce in my books but after reading the 5th consecutive sex scene (bear in mind that this is a short book) even I got bored of it.

Generally I enjoyed this book but there was even too much sex for this pervert.

The publisher provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for and honest review